Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Been Awhile

Well….my blogging habits are poor at best it seems. I can only handle one social media platform at time I guess. If I'm updating here, Facebook, Twitter, another blog, and a website I just get behind. I thought about retiring this blog, but I decided that I need a place to express some "non"art things. Some life things. Mainly about what's happening with my parents. My aging parents. My relationship with them has become an entirely new animal. I suppose it was always a changing relationship but I was just to self involved to notice that. When you're very little you don't really notice the nature of the interaction in your relationship  with your parents. When you're in your teens and early 20's you'd rather think about anything BUT your parents so noticing the nature of your relationship with them isn't high on the priority scale. When you start your own family you are engrossed in that formation so they aren't even on the radar so to speak. It's later, later when you see the weakness, the stumbles, the things undone and unlike them that you notice how it's changed and how it continues to change. And change excels at a rapid pace. Time flys by for us as we grow older but it really flys by when you watch your parents age through their last years here, on this planet, with you. There's so much emotion and complications involved with them and those last years. It's seems like a slow roll at the top of a roller coaster as it get's ready to plunge. Every episode with them is like that loud slow "CLICK………….CLICK………….CLICK" you hear as it cranks it's way across the apex of the roller coaster track. You can see it coming, you know it'll be soon, and you're powerless to stop the ride. It has to be completed. There's nothing for it…it has to be completed. I know my time with them is short now….but does it have to be painful too?

Friday, June 4, 2010


      Okay I'll admit that I've been a bit remiss when it comes to blog postings lately. May is a hard month for me...I have a lot of things to take care of the fifth month of the year. It's time to start the garden...actually I should be doing that in April but I procrastinated a bit (a itsy bitsy teeny tiny bit) so by the time I get there the weeds are up to my knees. Everything that I DON'T want growing in the garden has seeded itself and is growing like..well...weeds. April's rains have excellerated the growing so they're lush green weeds that are knee high. It's a real chore to clear the vegetable garden, the perennial bed, and the herb garden, well-that's an all out war of the weeds! Readying the garden for planting takes a few good days and planting a few more. Especially since other tasks and rainy days keep time in the garden to a few snatched hours here and there.
       Add to this other springtime tasks such as putting away the winter clothes, getting out the summer clothes, getting ready for the spring garage sale, spring house cleaning (HA! THAT'S a good one!) and all the end of the school year events. Then there's the birthdays (3) and anniversaries (2-1mine) and Mother's Day....& Memorial Day....which is the weekend we go UpNorth and do all the gardening at my folks cottage and get the dock out on the lake for them. I'm exhausted just thinking about it all! I'm sure I forgot something in all that. Needless to say May is not my favorite month. But's see...Father's Day, end of school, birthdays (4)....need I go on?

Thursday, May 6, 2010

The "Right Click Crime"

Today is Studio Day and what am I doing? Am I producing loads of great artwork with all this creative peace and quiet I've scratched out of the week? No, I'm spending time trying to figure out how to make sure my artwork images aren't downloadable by you good people......and I'm SURE you are all good people. And as such would have no need to be taking my blood, sweat, and tears driven artwork off the net for your own purposes. So why the need to make them inaccessible? Because there is always a wolf in sheep's clothing out there, somewhere, lurking.....ready to pounce on unsuspecting artwork and rip it bodily from it's cyber resting place, forcing it to do it's graphic bidding. If I was a sculptress I would have no worries as the printed representation of my work would not compete for the sale of said work. If you want a sculpture for your garden you aren't going to put a piece of paper with a picture of the sculpture on it in that lovely garden spot...not nearly the all.  If you are interested in hanging a print on the wall then my 2-D artwork is much more at risk, because lets face it, good printers are a dime a dozen and you can manage to print anything off the web with good enough clarity to frame and hang on your wall....depending on the size of the work. And that won't be too good for business, to be exact. So instead of producing work here I sit trying to figure out a way to not be a victim of the "right click crime"......**sigh**..........what 's the world coming to anyways....?....

Monday, May 3, 2010

I tried to post an image on here via mobile blogging but it wasn't getting the we used to say..(why? I don't know). Words are all I can send I guess..,good thing words are powerfull.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Someone once told me I had "Fear of Success". "What's that when it's at home then?" says I to the instructor who had just handed me this new label. "It's when you're afraid to do well at something because you're afraid you'll be called on to do it again and won't be able to." she replied. To my mind it wasn't that different from 'Fear of Failure'....just a delayed form of it. But she insisted they were different afflictions. Six of one, half dozen of another as my mother used to say. Needless to say whichever one I had (have) it has achieved it's objective, and I have been frozen with fear, lo these long years, awaiting release. Shall it be soon I wonder..........?........
If I knew what I was drawing when I started drawing I'm sure I would have stopped by now....

Monday, February 22, 2010

Dreaming Up A New Post.....

My thoughts seem to me to be just like the tail of the dream upon waking. You reach and grasp at those last wispy tendrils trying to find purchase in something that is so ephemeral and elusive that even if you were able to catch up to it's receding form your fingers would brush right through it as if it were smoke or fog. There is no way to pull it back towards you and you are left with small wispy scraps that elude all manner of attempts to transplant meaning onto their fraigle forms. These are what I am left with as I try to convey to you my thoughts on certain subjects, on one in particular, as I try to form the words that will convey what I sense in dream. I am working, my thoughts percolate, and I shall present to you my thoughts on memory and/or dream in short order....perhaps you could whisper yours to me......